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Accreditation: What is it?


It is an attestation granted by a third party related to a body for conformity assessment, such as a laboratory, an inspection or a certification body.

This certificate is granted by an accreditation body after a thorough assessment based on internationally recognized requirements; it conveys the formal demonstration of the competence of the organization to carry out specific tasks relating to conformity assessment.

Laboratories, inspection and certification bodies may, through accreditation, provide evidence of their technical abilities, but also of their independence and impartiality.


Our detailed scope can be found following the hyperlinks below:

Accreditation in Belgium: How?


In Belgium the accreditation structure is based on the Law of July 20, 1990. (in French) 

Since August 1, 2006, BELAC is the only Belgian Accreditation Body. It was established by the provisions of the Royal Decree of January 31, 2006 and is placed under the responsibility of the FPS Economy, S.M.E.s, Self-employed and Energy.

BELAC operates according to the international requirements with regard to the management of the accreditation bodies.

Accreditations issued under the BELAC roof are recognized by the Belgian State.

Accreditation at international level: How?


National accreditation bodies are involved in networks at a regional level which, in turn, cooperate on a world wide basis. Mutual recognition of accreditation services is decided only after thorough evaluation through peer review according to strict requirements agreed at international level.

BELAC is a signatory of all existing MLAs (multilateral agreements) and MRAs (multilateral recognition agreements) of EA (European co-operation for Accreditation), ILAC (International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation) and FALB (Forum of Accreditation and Licensing Bodies).

In this way, reports and certificates issued by BELAC accredited bodies are internationally recognized.

Our job is testing, calibration & global certification

Our service is maximising EMC, safety & reliability of your products

- Filip Nauwelaerts, CEO

Accreditation BELAC

Labo De Nayer has received ISO17025 accreditation by BELAC, Belgium’s national accreditation body. As a result of international agreements, the test reports and certificates issued by us are recognized internationally. The recognition underlines high quality as well as professional and competent testing services.

Multidisciplinary expertise

Product manufacturers value Labo De Nayer’s staff for their skills and multidisciplinary expertise. The technical experts and test engineers are well trained and experienced in executing legal testing procedures and issuing related official certificates when requested.

Your long-term partner

Collaborate with us on engineering and testing. Our specialists, experts and test engineers think along with you in tracing the source of any EMC, safety, climatic or mechanical problem, and discuss potential solutions. Partner with Labo De Nayer to increase product performance, further strengthen your reputation, and increase time and cost savings.

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