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Labo de nayer

We assist product managers and developers in...

Multidisciplinary expertise and testing capabilities...

...lead to certification possibilities and product conformity

Notified body

Notified Body RED 2014/53/EU

​We are proud to announce that Laboratoria De Nayer has succesfully succeeded in becoming the first Belgian Notified Body under RED 2014/53/EU ! As a Notified Body NB2758, we will examine the technical documentation and supporting evidence to assess the adequacy of the technical design of the apparatus according to the requirements of RED (Module B), after positive evaluation we can issue your EU-type examination certificate.

Why opt for Labo De Nayer

Why opt for Labo De Nayer?

  • EMC, Climatic, Mechanical, and Electrical Safety testing & certification

  • Large one-stop-shop with testing facilities & skilled testing engineers

  • ISO17025 Accreditation since >20 years and strong ties with research & academia

  • Bring to market products faster & strengthen your reputation

  • Integrate testing into your product development stages

  • Reduce your testing effort and gain deeper engineering insight

Testing & certification services

Testing & certification services

Laboratoria De Nayer v.z.w., originating from 1976,  provides testing and certification services to industrial manufacturers of electrical and electronic products.

We assist product managers and developers in maximizing EMC, safety & reliability of their products and acquiring full compliance with directives valid in specific regions in the world. That means faster time to market for your new products and product upgrades, which increases your competitive edge.

Integrate testing into your process

Integrate testing into your process

Even better is integrating testing into your product development stages through preliminary design & testing advice, joint preparations, services, engineering measurements, and specialised testing.

By partnering with Labo De Nayer, you build a better product, a stronger reputation, and realise considerable time and cost savings.

Our job is testing, calibration & global certification

Our service is maximising EMC, safety & reliability of your products

- Filip Nauwelaerts, CEO

Accreditation BELAC

Labo De Nayer has received ISO17025 accreditation by BELAC, Belgium’s national accreditation body. As a result of international agreements, the test reports and certificates issued by us are recognized internationally. The recognition underlines high quality as well as professional and competent testing services.

Multidisciplinary expertise

Product manufacturers value Labo De Nayer’s staff for their skills and multidisciplinary expertise. The technical experts and test engineers are well trained and experienced in executing legal testing procedures and issuing related official certificates when requested.

Your long-term partner

Collaborate with us on engineering and testing. Our specialists, experts and test engineers think along with you in tracing the source of any EMC, safety, climatic or mechanical problem, and discuss potential solutions. Partner with Labo De Nayer to increase product performance, further strengthen your reputation, and increase time and cost savings.

© 2024 by Labo de Nayer. Company number: 0415.895.616. Webdesign by Websters - Privacy policy - General conditions

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